Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy is as follows:
Your purchase of our Services acknowledges enrollment in a payment plan involving automatic renewal (a “Recurring Subscription”), and as such you authorize LifeAt to maintain your account information and charge that account automatically upon the renewal with no further action required by you. The length of your Recurring Subscription will be provided when you make your purchase and charged at the time you began your subscription (Ex. not at the end of the day as that would be ~7.2 trial days vs 7).
Your Recurring Subscription will automatically renew unless you cancel it. In the event that LifeAt is unable to charge your account as authorized by you when you enrolled in a Recurring Subscription, LifeAt, may, in its sole discretion: (i) bill you for your Services and suspend your access to the Services until payment is received, and/or (ii) seek to update your account information through third party sources (i.e., your bank or a payment processor) to continue charging your account as authorized by you. You may cancel your subscription through your account within the app.
You may cancel a Recurring Subscription at any time, but if you cancel your Recurring Subscription before the end of the current subscription period, we will not refund any subscription fees already paid to us. Following any cancellation, however, you will continue to have access to the applicable Services through the end of your current subscription period. LifeAt may change the prices charged for Recurring Subscriptions at any time by posting updated pricing through the Services; provided, however, that the prices for your Recurring Subscription will remain in force for the duration of the subscription period for which you have paid. After that period ends, your use of the applicable Services will be charged at the then-current subscription price. If you do not agree to these price changes, you must cancel your Recurring Subscription at least ten days before the changes take effect.
If you do not cancel, your Recurring Subscription will automatically renew at the then-current price at the time of renewal and for the same duration as the initial subscription term, and LifeAt will charge your on-file payment card or method on the first day of the renewal of the subscription term.
Updated on: 01/17/2025
Thank you!